AAPG celebrating 100 years of Women Geologists in Petroelum

At the AAPG meeting in Houston (April 1-4) there is a special event on Saturday April 1st, 2017, celebrating 100 years of Women Geologists in Petroleum. 

Click here to find out more about the general AAPG meeting. The event can be registered for separate from AAPG Registration, $65 attendance, $40 for students.

A Documentary on pioneering women will be debuted and my book will be released on that day.

STGS Field Trip: The Austin Chalk in San Antonio--Tying outcrop to subsurface

Saturday, April 8 

Depart from the Petroleum Club at 8:30am. Lunch at the Japanese Tea Garden. Trip will finish about 4pm at the Target Shopping Center off Bandera.

We will explore the stratigraphy of the Austin Chalk Group in Bexar County from lower to upper contact and integrate geophysical logs to make ties to the subsurface. 

Trip Coordinator: Tom Fett medinalake@msn.com

Trip leader: John Cooper jcgold.cooper@gmail.com


NSS Webinar (Jan 24): Geophysical applications to the karstic features of Edwards Aquifer in Central Texas


Geophysical applications to the karstic features of Edwards Aquifer in Central Texas

Presenter: Mustafa Saribudak (AGS member)

Join us for a webinar on Jan 24, 2017 at 8:00 PM CST / 9PM EST / 7PM MST / 6PM PST please check your time zone for the correct starting time.

Register now!


Geophysical applications to the karstic features (caves, sinkholes, major faults, and conduits) of Edwards Aquifer in Central Texas.

This webinar presents mainly resistivity imaging (2D and 3D), natural potential (NP) and some other geophysical data (conductivity, magnetic, induced polarization, and seismic refraction data) collected over the karstic features of the Edwards Aquifer between the years of 2000 and 2016. These karstic features are caves filled with air or clay (or sediments) and/or both, sinkholes and major faults such as Mt. Bonnell, Haby and Barton Springs faults and conduits.

Detecting these karst-related features using these geophysical methods has been proven over the years. But each method has limitations in depth and resolution accuracy based on geological factors and size, shape, of the karstic feature. In addition, some methods, such as gravity, and seismic, take longer and they may be cost-inhibitive.

About 16 years of experience in endeavoring to locate these karstic features have proven that the best geophysical methods have been the combination of NP and resistivity techniques. Several case studies of resistivity and NP methods applied to the karstic features and to the major faults will be discussed in detail in this presentation.

Mustafa Saribudak, Ph.D. is the President of Environmental Geophysics Associates (EGA). He received a master's degree in geology and a doctorate in geophysics from Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. He came to the University of Houston in 1989 to work on a project funded by the National Science Foundation. He worked for Tierra Environmental between 1990 and 1993, where he pioneered application of geophysical methods to environmental problems. He founded EGA in 1994 to provide near-surface geophysical services for engineering, environmental, the oil and gas industry, and real estate developers. During the last sixteen years he has conducted geophysical surveys at more than 300 sites in the U.S and Central America. He has published numerous papers and short notes in geophysical and environmental journals. He is certified with the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists (Geophysics). He is an active member of Society of Exploration Geophysics, Environmental & Engineering Geophysical Society, Houston Geological Society, and Houston Geophysical Society, Austin Geological Society, South Texas Geological Society. He lives in Austin, Texas.

 This and other webinar will be recorded and stored on the NSS website caves.org for future viewing.
The opinions in this webinar are not necessar

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